Notes, abstracts, papers, exams and problems of Biology

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Respiration: Types, Processes, and Gas Exchange

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Respiration: Concepts and Types

There are two types of respiration:

  • A) Cellular or Internal Respiration: This is the use of oxygen by cells. It involves oxidizing complex organic molecules to obtain energy. This process produces CO2 and water as byproducts. Cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria of the cell.
  • B) External Respiration: This is the intake of oxygen and the output of carbon dioxide from the body. It occurs due to gas exchange across specialized respiratory surfaces. These surfaces must be very thin to allow for gas passage. They must also be wet, as gases dissolve in liquid before crossing. These surfaces are typically coated with a network of blood capillaries to facilitate the entry of oxygen and the exit of carbon dioxide.
... Continue reading "Respiration: Types, Processes, and Gas Exchange" »

Respiratory and Circulatory Systems in the Human Body

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Respiratory System

This system oxygenates the blood and removes carbon dioxide. It consists of the lungs and airways.

Components of the Respiratory System

  • Nostrils: Two cavities that warm and humidify the air.
  • Pharynx: Common tube leading to the larynx.
  • Larynx: Contains the vocal cords.
  • Trachea: Carries air to the lungs.
  • Lungs: Facilitate gas exchange.
  • Bronchi: Two conduits that branch into smaller bronchioles, eventually forming pulmonary alveoli.

Oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange occurs in the pulmonary alveoli by diffusion, moving from areas of high concentration to low concentration.

The Internal Environment

The fluids surrounding the cells of an organism provide nutrients and oxygen to the cells and remove waste products. These fluids consist of:... Continue reading "Respiratory and Circulatory Systems in the Human Body" »

Animal Classification, Nutrition, Respiration, and Reproduction

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Linnean Binomial Nomenclature

Linne-binomial nomenclature (genus-species) in the animal kingdom: chordate phylum, class, mammals, primate order, family Hominidae, genus Homo, Homo sapiens species.


3 main groups of animals: arthropods: exoskeleton made of chitin, articulated appendages. Insects are an example.


Mollusks: shell, visceral mass, and mantle body (head and foot), e.g., snails.


Chordates: Notochord and cephalization. Includes vertebrates: fish and tetrapods (amphibians, birds, mammals).

Animal Nutrition Strategies

  • Filter feeders: Consume organic particles or organisms in suspension (e.g., zebra mussels).
  • Substrate feeders: Live permanently in their food source (e.g., earthworms).
  • Fluid feeders: Feed exclusively on
... Continue reading "Animal Classification, Nutrition, Respiration, and Reproduction" »

Human Nutrition, Digestion, and Body Systems

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What is Nutrition?

Nutrition is the set of processes by which the body obtains the substances it needs to live. It involves several stages:

  • Collection of nutrients through digestion.
  • Collection of oxygen through breathing.
  • Distribution of nutrients and oxygen through the bloodstream.
  • Elimination of waste through excretion and expulsion of carbon dioxide in the breath.

What is Digestion?

Digestion is the process by which foods are broken down into simple substances that can be used by the body. It has these phases:

  • Digestion
  • Absorption
  • Waste Removal

Apparatus Involved in Nutrition

The digestive, respiratory, circulatory, and excretory systems are involved.

Parts of Dentition

Molars, canines, and incisors.

Digestive Tube

It is a muscular tube of different thicknesses... Continue reading "Human Nutrition, Digestion, and Body Systems" »

Animal Kingdom Classification: A Comprehensive Guide

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Triploblasty, coelomates, not segmented. Bilateral symmetry. Soft body (head, visceral mass, foot). Limestone shell. Complete digestive tube (mouth-anus). Radula (in most). Open circulatory system (closed in cephalopods). Excretory system: 1 or 2 metanephridia. Ganglionic nervous system. Asexual or larval reproduction.

  • Bivalves: Mussels
  • Gastropods: Snails
  • Cephalopods: Cuttlefish


Triploblasty, coelomates. Bilateral symmetry. Elongated cylindrical body with rings or metamerism. Closed circulatory system. Ganglionic nervous system. Cutaneous respiration. Excretory system: metanephridia. Sexes separate or hermaphrodites. With or without a larval stage.

  • Polychaetes: Marine worms
  • Oligochaeta: Earthworms
  • Hirudinea: Leeches


Triploblasty,... Continue reading "Animal Kingdom Classification: A Comprehensive Guide" »

Medications: Nervous, Respiratory, Circulatory & Digestive Systems

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Medications by System

Nervous System Medications

Adrenaline (SNA): Used in cases of asthma, allergies, and premature births (fenoterol). Also used in Parkinson's disease (dopamine) and inhibition of milk secretion (bromocriptine). Dopamine increases blood pressure.

  • Parasympathetic Cholinergic Drugs: Produce parasympathetic stimuli.
  • Acetylcholine: Causes vasodilation in the heart.
  • Indirect Cholinergics: Prevent acetylcholine from being metabolized (e.g., Physostigmine, Neostigmine). Used in glaucoma, crosses the blood-brain barrier (BBB), and can be lethal in high doses.
  • Anticholinergics: Block the effects of acetylcholine (e.g., Atropine, Scopolamine).

Respiratory System Medications

Most commonly used drugs include oxygen and cough modifiers. They... Continue reading "Medications: Nervous, Respiratory, Circulatory & Digestive Systems" »

Plant Growth and Anatomy: Meristems, Tissues, and Structures

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Primary Meristem

Located at the tips of juvenile plant organs such as roots, shoots, and buds, the primary meristem is responsible for the plant's growth in length.


The root has several distinct parts: the suberized zone, the zone of absorption, the growth area, and the root cap.

The growth zone, located near the root tip, contains meristematic tissue. This tissue can have one, two, or three meristematic cells. If there is one cell, it gives rise to all other cells. If there are three cells, they multiply and differentiate into the root cap and epidermis (lower cells), the cortex (middle cells), and the vascular cylinder (upper cells).


Shoots do not grow in the opposite direction of roots. Shoots have nodes, internodes, and buds.

Buds... Continue reading "Plant Growth and Anatomy: Meristems, Tissues, and Structures" »

Cellular Metabolism and Biodiversity: From Molecules to Ecosystems

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Catabolic and Anabolic Metabolism

Catabolic metabolism is oxidized when it loses electrons. It is a set of molecular processes that transform complex molecules into simpler ones. The energy molecule ATP stores energy. Energy is released during the oxidation of molecules, especially if O2 is the ultimate acceptor (aerobic) or if another acceptor is used (anaerobic). Fermentation is the incomplete oxidation of energy molecules. For example, glucose activates Bacillus, and the initial product in the muscles is lactic acid. Alcohol fermentation starts with glucose in yeast, and the final product is ethyl alcohol. Putrefaction of proteins into simpler molecules is performed by some organisms.

Anabolism is a set of reduction reactions in which it is... Continue reading "Cellular Metabolism and Biodiversity: From Molecules to Ecosystems" »

Understanding Common Eye Conditions and Treatments

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Conjunctival Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases associated with skin and mucocicatricial conditions that affect the cornea and conjunctiva:

  • Ocular Cicatricial Pemphigoid: Chronic bilateral conjunctivitis that typically appears around 50 years of age, leading to fibrosis, keratinization, and symblepharon. Treatment includes corticosteroids, cyclophosphamide, and dapsone.
  • Erythema Multiforme: Includes Stevens-Johnson syndrome (affecting skin and mucosa) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome), often triggered by medication or an infectious process.

Neurotrophic Keratopathy

Etiology: Ablation of the fifth cranial nerve, infection (such as herpes), topical medications (anesthetics), systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus, vitamin A deficiency)... Continue reading "Understanding Common Eye Conditions and Treatments" »

Nervous and Endocrine Systems: Coordination and Regulation

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Nervous System Coordination

Nervous coordination is carried out by the nervous system. Neurons are divided into three parts: the cell body, the dendrites, and the axon.

  • The cell body contains the nucleus and other organelles.
  • Dendrites are short, branch-like projections.
  • The axon is a longer projection. It ends in a series of slender branches which widen slightly at the tip and are called axon terminals.

In general, axons are protected by a white substance called myelin. The axons of various neurons sometimes group together to form nerve fibers, and these in turn can group together to form nerves.

Neuron Connection: The Synapse

Neurons are connected to each other. The place where one neuron connects to another is called a synapse. A nerve impulse... Continue reading "Nervous and Endocrine Systems: Coordination and Regulation" »