Anatomy, Pathology, and Lab Essentials: A Comprehensive Glossary
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Anatomy, Pathology, and Lab Essentials
Bones: Rigid organs that make up the skeletal system of vertebrates, providing support and protection for the body’s organs.
Cranium: The part of the skull that protects the brain.
Backbone: Also known as the spine or vertebral column, a flexible and strong structure running along the center of the back, made up of small bones called vertebrae.
Skull: A bony framework enclosing the brain of a vertebrate.
Joints: The points where two or more bones, or a bone and cartilage, are attached in the body.
Ligaments: Short bands of tough, flexible fibrous connective tissues that connect two bones or cartilages, or hold joints together.
Cartilage: Firm, flexible connective tissue found in various forms, from which the... Continue reading "Anatomy, Pathology, and Lab Essentials: A Comprehensive Glossary" »