The Reign of Alfonso XIII: Crisis and Instability in Spain
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The Crisis of 1898
Alfonso XIII's reign began in 1902, inheriting a nation grappling with economic, political, and moral crises. The loss of Cuba in 1898, while initially feared as an economic disaster, ironically proved beneficial. Spanish investments previously tied up in Cuba were redirected back into the mainland, stimulating the economy. However, the political landscape remained dominated by the corrupt and manipulative turnismo system. The loss of colonies deeply impacted Spanish morale, leading to a sense of national decline and the feeling that Spain was no longer a major European power.
think Joaquin Costa school whose motto was, pantry and 20 keys in the service of Cid. This theme suggests an improvement in education, food and proposes forget the past w / a present to begin. This ideology seeks a change of political system and politicians corrupt Regenerationists trying to change, but this ideology does not last long. The main leaders (Canobas and Sagasta) disappear and are Matiena turnismo with very little force and many problems. Spain will try to colonize the populations of Africa = q the rest of Europe, but intends to do to keep q in the international context and p / q politicians gain prestige. So England go through to Morocco to try to colonize it, but this was not going to succeed xq Spanish people opposed and q through the system of the fifth only the poor went to the army and the rich paid q p / q are not included in the draw x el q 1:5 was the army, also opposed xq had no interest x Morocco. In 1909 there was a major defeat on Spanish troops in the Barranco del Lobo, where many Spanish were killed. This sparked discontent among the population x as q in Barcelona unleashed a revolt fomented x anarchists. This hard week (**** 1 weeks tragic) in there were several roadblocks, burning of houses, public buildings and churches. After the tragic week the government decides to intervene p / arouse the participants of the revolt. This repression was very severe, and condemn to death many participants and leaders among the workers was Francisco Ferrer q Guarda, q was an anarchist leader founder of the modern school, and shot X NON x participant in the revolt. After this Matiena communism and in 1914 and 1918 *** 1GM occurs. This war was mainly colonial Spain x lo q no xq intervened and had no colonies. 1GM participated in the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary) q-Germans were allies vs. q were England, France and Russia, later joined the U.S. and these were the alialofilos. Spain aunq no part in the war, was divided between the allies for q supported the poor, workers, middle classes and were supported Germanophiles q x the bourgeoisie, the clergy and the military. Alemanoa European powers, Britain and France to esyar in the war could not produce goods or products asi q Spain was the only major country q could produce, but Spain produces low and highly priced aunq war with Spanish products are more demada x q what the prices will rise even more, this favors q entrepreneurs manage to make fortunes in a short time but people find it unfavorable q xq they also had to pay high prices, thus making the discontent of the majority of the population q and workers did not see their wages go up but if your trabajo.En 1917 hrs of Russia withdraws from war xq workers revolution occurs in the q workers come to power, then the workers began to think what q q Marx said the arrival was possible.When you finish the 1GM is defeated Central Powers. In the countries of the Central Powers and many developing nationalism nationalists got their independence x lo q stimulation also nationalism. ***** CRISIS 1917. COLONIAL DISASTER: From q 1GM government begins in Spain are becoming increasingly causing + weak + discontent and agitation of the population. The Spanish government wants to keep growing turnismo + weak, neutrality and exports. There was only one minister wanted to improve the country q, q Alba wanted to improve roads, education ... but w / do need to spend money and wanted 2000mll d pesetas and wanted to get money from the q had large fortunes, but these were opposed x lo q not achieve anything. In 1917 the unrest was increasing x the charist, scandals q fortunes producing the grades achieved with the war ... In February 1917 the government d Romanones (prime minister of the Liberal Party) The courts removed it provoked protests and q union leaders threatened the government with the government to make a general strike. Romanones p / avoid this imprisoned union leaders before the protests and decided to abolish all constitutional guarantees. As the protests continued King Romanones am replacing q x Garcia Prieto was a conservative. In the summer of 1927 saw the peak of the crisis: in June there was a military crisis in July with the political and social crisis in August. **** MILITARY CRISIS (June): The Spanish soldiers protesting xq no access to technical advances are q and q Developed in Europe there is no budget, no xq also protest their wages rose and xq p / ascend to a higher rank could only do so quickly if they went to war in Africa. The military will join the boards of defense p / q are carrying out their claims. These boards the government decides to tolerate at first but the board of Cataluna is prohibited. The military made manifest in the q boards require their claims by giving an ultimatum to the government. In response, the government accepts its terms but not wanted Garcia Priero accept asi q resigns and is replaced x Dato. The military made a new manifesto on the q and not only military but political aspirations and asks q to quit with corruption (turnismo) and q there is a government concentration (q government in the cluster all political persuasions). Dato react to the manifesto abolishing the constitutional guarantees and censoring the press. **** POLITICAL CRISIS: As the courts do not work Regionalist League convenes a meeting of the Catalan parliament. It was attended by the representatives of the Conservative Party aunq had initially indicated their attendance. If naturalists came Catalans, Republicans and Socialists. There they demanded the formation of a national assembly of parliamentarians p / radically reforming the political and convened an assembly p / July 19. The organizers sought strong support as the government seeks to disrupt. Besides the military claims were q and policies could have motivated the military union with the 1 political but declined x fear of nationalist and socialist. They met only 70 parliamentarians from 600 q had been summoned. These 70 required a change of government, the call for cuts constituents and the creation of committees pour so prepare changes. The government reacted by arresting the participants but later had q free. **** SOCIAL CRISIS (August) Habia + social tension caused the charist the q x q have continuous strikes originated. Since March, was organizing a general strike. Their claims were economic as reducing the workday, but overtone wage increases, but also demanded changes in governance in line with the proposals q x the military.There was a rail strike in Valencia could not be controlled q x and q even organizers had assumed had been convened q x q government to the people joined the protests and everything ended with a strong statement repesion and Edo site. Not readmitted to the strikers in their work calls for a general railway strike q has no definite support of the unions and everything ends up in the call. He had a wide repercision in places like Madrid, Vizcaya and Asturias above. The government troops sack the street and there were fierce clashes with many casualties. Shortly afterwards came to be called off the strike would maintain in Asturias is q 2 weeks +. The social crisis resulted in many deaths and the arrest of the strike committee including Largo, q were sentenced to death after the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment x to q after they left admistiados were elected as deputies. Fearing social unrest and political soldiers abandoned their claims and concentration governments were formed in the q x ej entered the Catalan nationalists. ***** ANOS 20 (time between the crisis and the reign of prime riverside) There is a continuing tension xq several policy options can achieve power q: q The policy options can achieve power are: **** PARLAMETARISMO : We had an election characterized xq p / q choose the courts were responsible for establishing the legislative and q also named the government was also a const. Q explained in whom lay the power and q also imitated him, there was some kind of division of power and some form of sovereignty. This political system he used to favor the middle class. Since the mid-nineteenth century and following the ideas of Marx is diffused aims q **** q workerism workers coming to power. In fact in 1927 have come to power in Russia, but with an adaptation of Marx's theory is valid also q p / Spain. Q Marx had predicted the workers' revolution would occur in industrialized countries like England or Germany but not in countries with most land. But the revolution is taking place in Russia after Lenin q hare adaptation to the theory of Marx w / carry out a workers' revolution in countries with few workers. This will be the Marxism or communism lemin q also makes it possible to adapt the theory from Marx to Spain. Following the Russian revolution, the labor movement gained considerable strength in Europe and will constitute a genuine threat w / the power of the bourgeoisie. P / defend against this threat will adopt the bourgeois political choice as it will be Fascism. It is a system in the q unparliamentary prevents the party struggle is permitted only for a party whose leader is the leader of Edo. It was an anti-labor ideology and indeed was allowed to labor leaders peseguir even violently q ensalsaba the figure of a leader. These ideologies were in conflict continued x gain power. In Spain since the end of the 1GM had a continuing tension between employers (bourgeoisie) and workers this tension led to violence q q lle union carried out a part and x x other entrepreneurs. Employers came to form free trade unions were murderers hired q hired p / kill labor leaders. Besides the government's reaction was different because he acted very forcefully when labor leaders while trtaba q wont turn a blind eye when the murders were committed x the bourgeoisie. These years were of continued violence especially in Barcelona. You nationalist movements are getting stronger since q + at the end of the 1GM countries gain their independence. Nationalists from all over Europe are driven to continue fighting. His strength is so q q some believe threaten the unity of Spain.These moments of high tension x the problem will be exacerbated in Morocco where Spain still intervened. **** In 1921 Annual disaster strikes where the Spanish troops suffered a heavy defeat many soldiers dying and also the general q the heading, General Silvestre. Society and the Spanish media began to blame the king and raised a parliamentary inquiry w / investigate who had been the culplables. Q Eta Picasso dossier would be discussed in court in September 1923.