Characteristics of mesopotamian architecture

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MESOPOTAMIA is a region in wich 2 important civilisations lived, the persians and the babylonians. The babylonians were a very important civilisation because they started with writting. Mesopotamia meens (in greek) land between 2 rivers, theese rivers are the Tigris and Euphrates.RIVERS CIVILISATIONS: the mesopotamian located between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates; the egyptian on the banks of the Nile valley; the Indian along the rivers Indus and Ganges; and the chineese along the river Huang He. POLITICAL CHANGES: political power emerged from te need to organise collective work. ECONOMIC,SOCIAL AND CULTURAL CHANGES: society become more complex due to the emergence of different social groups that were distinguished by their wealth or social prestige. CULTURE and SCIENCE developed, and the kings and emperors encouraged artistic progress by building large luxuriously decorated buildings, suchs as palaces, temples or tombs.

TERRITORY MESOPOTAMIA: lower mesopotamia: located in the south and upper mesopotamia located in the north. FIRST CITY STATES: the sumerians begun Mesopotamian civilisation. Around 3500BC the sumerians estabilished themselves in Lowe Mesopotamia. POLITICAL SYSTEM: as prince: governed the organisation of civilian activities, such as defence of the city, the distribution of water among the farmers, etc.
As high priest: oversaw the worship of the gods and maintained the temples and their property. ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES: irrigation-based agriculture was the fundation of the Mesopotamian economy. Peasants grew cereals crops, vegetabls and other garder produce. They also cultivated linen and cotton wich were used to make clothes. Foregein trade: was more active than in other contemporany civilisations, such as egypt. The Mesopotamians did not use money and their commercial transactionswere conducted by bartring or using sheets of silver. ORGANISATION OF SOCIETY: mesopotamian population was divided into 3 social groups. · the nobility formed the upper social strata. This group consisted of people with power and with a lot of money. ·people was a intermediary group formed by traders and civil servants. · slaves were prisioners and they were used to do hard work. RELIGION: the habitants of mesopotamia where polytheist wich means that they believe in various gods like Anu, Enlil, Marduk and Ishtar. CLOTHING:  mens wered fringed skirts and womens wered dresses.CUNEIFORM SCRIPT: writing was the main contribution of mesopotamian society. It began to be used in 3250BC and is known as cuneiformscript, it was done in soft wax tablets. ARCHITECTURE: ·temples were a sumerian creation and included in their grounds a ziggurat or stepped towe. ·palaces were an Akkadian creation that was later continued by the Asyrians and the Persians. SCULPTURE AND GLAZED CERAMICS: sculpture was used to produce statues of noble individuals such as the king Gudea and reliefs. Reliefs represented figures of winged bulls with human heads.

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